• 教授高大宇博士

  • 教授高大宇博士


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    英文名字:Da-Yu (Ta-Yu) Kao


    教職:中央警察大學 兼任教授

    E-MAIL: camel@mail.cpu.edu.tw;dayukao@gmail.com


    English Web:dayukao.strikingly.com

    Social Media: http://tw.linkedin.com/in/dayukao

  • 簡介

    高大宇博士具有資訊管理學(碩)士及法學博士學位,長期從事資通訊及資安管理工作,通過採購專業人員基礎訓練、CEH、CHFI、ISO 27001、NSPA資安認證、銀行內部控制與內部稽核測驗、金融市場常識與職業道德、金融科技力知識、防制洗錢與打擊資恐專業人員等金融認證。近三十年的產(金融資安副總)官(資安科技警官)學(大學教授)經歷期間,曾與許多國家的執法人員合作過數百個資安事件識別應變與調查鑑識案件,多次擔任鑑定證人,並參與法院蒞庭交互詰問實例。曾獲邀至美國德州休士頓大學、康乃狄克州紐海芬大學及澳洲坎培拉國立大學進行短期訪問/研究,並親赴美國、以色列、杜拜、日本、南韓等地,發表金融科技資安治理、資安事件回應處理、電腦犯罪偵查與數位鑑識執法等實證性論文近200篇,參與或主持各種國際會議。















    3.中央警察大學犯罪防治研究所(刑事司法組) 博士畢業


    1. 資安認證

    (1) EC-Council CEH (Certified Ethical Hacking) 

    (2) EC-Council CHFI (Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator)

    (3) ISO 27001 Leading Auditor

    (4) NSPA (Network Security of Packet Analysis)


    (1)銀行內部控制與內部稽核測驗(Proficiency Test for Bank Internal Control and Audit)








    2.2017年7月6至26日,赴美國康乃狄克州紐海芬大學李昌鈺鑑識科學學院,研習刑事鑑識課程(Forensic Science For Teachers)。


  • 國內外之成就與榮譽


    1. Chi-Cheng Yang, Hsuan Chuang, and Da-Yu Kao, "Drone Forensic Analysis Using Relational Flight Data: A Case Study of DJI Spark and Mavic Air," Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 192 pp. 1359–1368, Oct. 2021.(EI)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-110) (獲李昌鈺物證科學教育基金會110年獎勵優秀物證科學學術論文)
    2. Fu-Ching Tsai, Ming-Chun Hsu, Da-Yu Kao, "Exponential Random Graph Modeling of Co-Offender Drug Crimes," IEEE ICACT 2020 (22nd International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 17-20, 2020. (Outstanding Paper Award)
    3. Da-Yu Kao, Min-Ching Chen, Wen-Ying Wu, Jsen-Shung Lin, Chien-Hung Chen, Fuching Tsai, " Drone Forensic Investigation: DJI Spark Drone as A Case Study, " 23rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Budapest, Hungary, Sep. 4-6, 2019. (EI)(Best Research Paper Award最佳研究論文獎)
    4. 高大宇,榮獲中央警察大學105學年度研究績優獎,2017年11月21日。
    5. Shou-Ching Hsiao and Da-Yu Kao, “The Static Analysis of WannaCry Ransomware," IEEE ICACT 2018 (20th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 11-14, pp. 153-158, 2018. (ISBN 979-11-88428-00-7)(EI)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)(Outstanding Paper Award)
    6. Da-Yu Kao, En-Cih Chang, Fu-Ching Tsai, "A Network-Based Sniffer Architecture for Cybercrime Investigation," 1st International Caparica Conference in Translational Forensics, Caparica, Portugal, Nov. 20~23, 2017. (ISBN: 978-989-54009-0-4)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)(指導學生En-Cih Chang獲得the Excellent shotgun communication Award)
    7. Da-Yu Kao, "Cybercrime Investigation Countermeasure Using Created-Accessed-Modified (CAM) Model in Cloud Computing Environments, ”Journal of Supercomputing: Special Issue on Emerging Platform Technologies, pp 1-20, Sep. 8, 2015. (ISSN:0920-8542)(MOST:103-2221-E-015-003-)(SCI)(獲選為財團法人警察學術研究基金會的2016年警察學術優良論文)
    8. 陳育廷,高大宇,王旭正,”真假網站的視覺安全與鑑識分析”,CISC2011第二十一屆資訊安全會議,虎尾科技大學,雲林,2011年5月26-27日(榮獲論文佳作)


    1. Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, “The Wild Robbing of Online Bank: Financial Crimes and Digital Forensics,” IEEE ICACT 2021 (23nd International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Feb. 13-16, 2021.
    2. 英國倫敦,演講The Wild Robbing of Online Bank: Financial Crimes and Digital Forensics(網路銀行的盜領搶劫:金融犯罪和數位鑑識),European Digital Week(歐洲數位週),2020年9月25日(虛擬會議)。
    3. Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, “The Wild Robbing of Online Bank: Financial Crimes and Digital Forensics,” IEEE ICACT 2020 (22nd International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Feb. 17-20, 2020. (http://www.icact.org/download/2020/Knote2020.pdf)
    4. 迦納(Accra, Ghana) ,網路鑑識訓練英文演講,題目為危機管理與網路鑑識(Risk Management and Cyber Forensics),迦納銀行(Bank of Ghana),2019年12月2-7日。
    5. 香港,REVULN資訊科技安全研討會英文演講,題目為從執法機關角度思考銀行提款機盜領威脅的調查、鑑識與治理(The Investigation, Forensics, and Governance of ATM Heist Threats in Law Enforcement Agencies),2019年5月15至16日。
    6. 美國德州休士頓大學,英文演講,題目為危機管理與網路鑑識(Risk Management and Cyber Forensics),2019年1月10日至29日。
    7. 以色列,希伯來大學杜魯門研究中心,題目為網路安全公私協力合作改善犯罪偵查,2018年1月21-22日。
    8. 日本東京,網路鑑識論壇英文演講,題目為危機管理與網路鑑識(Risk Management and Cyber Forensics),2016年11月18-22日。
    9. 杜拜,網路犯罪研習會英文演講,題目為網路犯罪調查與數位鑑識(Cybercrime Investigation and Digital Forensics),2016年10月21-23日。
    10. 台北,史瓦濟蘭皇家警察網路犯罪研習會英文演講,題目為網路威脅及調查(Cyber Threat and Investigation),2016年6月22-23日。
    11. 台北,馬來西亞警官網路犯罪研習會英文演講,題目為網路威脅及調查(Cyber Threat and Investigation),2016年5月31日。
    12. 台北,阿曼及墨西哥警官網路犯罪研習會英文演講,題目為網路威脅及調查(Cyber Threat and Investigation),2016年5月11日。
    13. 美國德州休士頓大學,英文演講,題目為網路犯罪調查與數位鑑識(Cybercrime Investigation and Digital Forensics),2016年1月18日至2月7日。
    14. 台北,史瓦濟蘭皇家警察通訊監察及數位鑑識考察團之網路犯罪調查技術介紹交流英文講座,2014年10月1日。
    15. 新竹,The Media Shop,解構資安新威脅-F5 Networks全方位高效資安策略研討會講座,2014年5月6日。
    16. 香港,未來政府論壇(IDT leaders at FutureGov Forum Hong Kong 2013),擔任「資訊安全:超越傳統安全」,英文圓桌論壇主持人,2013年11月12日。
  • 近年研究著作目錄


    1. Chi-Cheng YANG, Hsuan CHUANG, and Da-Yu KAO, “The Proposed PDCA Model toCounter Money Laundering.” Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 207, pp. 2454–2463, Oct. 2022.(EI)
    2. Chi-Cheng Yang, Hsuan Chuang, and Da-Yu Kao, "Drone Forensic Analysis Using Relational Flight Data: A Case Study of DJI Spark and Mavic Air," Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 192 pp. 1359–1368, Oct. 2021.(EI)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-110) (獲李昌鈺物證科學教育基金會110年獎勵優秀物證科學學術論文)
    3. Da-Yu Kao, Shou-Ching Hsiao, and Raylin Tso, ”Intelligence-Led Response: Turning Theory into Law Enforcement Practice in Cyber Security Incidents,” International Journal of Electronic Business, Vol. 15, No. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 325-350. (MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)
    4. Da-Yu Kao, Forensic Exchange Analysis of Contact Artifacts on Data Hiding Timestamps, Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 13, 4686, Jul. 2020. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10134686 (Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-109)(SCIE, IF: 2.474, 5yrsIF:2.458)
    5. 高大宇,評析智慧警務的前瞻執法應用,中央警察大學執法新知論衡,第十六卷第一期,頁75-88,2020年6月。(109年度精進刑事科技能量計畫資助)
    6. Te-Min Liu, Da-Yu Kao, and Yun-Ya Chen, "LooCipher Ransomware Detection Using Lightweight Packet Characteristics," Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 176, pp. 1677-1683, Sep. 2020. (EI)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-109)(Accepted on May 7, 2020)
    7. Shuyuan Mary Ho, Da-Yu Kao, Ming-Jung Chiu-Huang, Wenyi Li, and Chung-Jui Lai, “Detecting Cyberbullying "Hotspots" on Twitter: A Predictive Analytics Approach,” Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 32S, Apr. 2020, pp. S1-S3. (ISSN: 2666-2817)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-109)(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsidi.2020.300906)(SCIE, IF: 1.736)
    8. Shou-Ching Hsiao, Zi-Yuan Liu, Raylin Tso, Da-Yu Kao, and Chien-Ming Chen, “PrivGRU: Privacy-preserving GRU Inference Using Additive Secret Sharing,” Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 5627-5638, Feb. 2020. (DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-179652)(SCIE, IF: 1.851)
    9. Shou-Ching Hsiao, Da-Yu Kao, Zi-Yuan Liu, and Raylin Tso, "Malware Image Classification Using One-Shot Learning with Siamese Networks, " Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 159, pp. 1863–1871, Jan. 2019. (EI)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2019.09.358)
    10. Da-Yu Kao, Min-Ching Chen, Wen-Ying Wu, Jsen-Shung Lin, Chien-Hung Chen, and Fuching Tsai, " Drone Forensic Investigation: DJI Spark Drone as A Case Study, " Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 159, pp. 1890-1899, Jan. 2019. (EI)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2019.09.361)
    11. Chih-hung Shih, Fang-Cheng Chen, Shun-Wei Cheng, and Da-Yu Kao, "Using Google Maps to Track Down Suspects in a Criminal Investigation, " Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 159, pp. 1900-1906, Jan. 2019. (EI)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2019.09.362)
    12. Fu-Ching Tsai, Ming-Chun Hsu, Chien-Ta Chen, and Da-Yu Kao, "Exploring Drug-Related Crimes with Social Network Analysis, " Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 159, pp. 1907-1917, Jan. 2019. (EI)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2019.09.363)
    13. Da-Yu Kao, "Comprehending Taiwan ATM Heist: From Cyber-attack Phases to Investigation Processes," ICACT Transactions on Advanced Communications Technology, Vol. 8, No. 5, Sep. 2019, pp. 1231-1240. (ISSN: 2288-0003)(EI)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-109)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT48636.2020.9061354)
    14. Da-Yu Kao, "Using the Actionable Intelligence Approach for the DPI of Cybercrime Insider Investigation," ICACT Transactions on Advanced Communications Technology, Vol. 8, No. 4, Jul. 2019, pp. 1218 - 1224. (ISSN: 2288-0003)(EI)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-109)
    15. Da-Yu Kao, Ni-Chen Wu, and Fuching Tsai, "A Triage Triangle Strategy for Law Enforcement to Reduce Digital Forensic Backlogs," ICACT Transactions on Advanced Communications Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 1173 - 1179. (ISSN: 2288-0003)(EI)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-109)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-001-)
    16. 高大宇、蔡馥璟,物聯網分散式阻斷服務攻擊的調查策略,中央警察大學執法新知論衡第十四卷第二期,頁45~64,2018年12月。(MOST 107-2221-E-015-001-)
    17. 蔡馥璟、高大宇,”基於警政應用與大數據之辨識移動式車牌研究”,中央警察大學警學叢刊,第四十九卷第三期,頁81-96,ISSN:1019-2468,2018年12月。(MOST 107-2221-E-015-001-)
    18. Da-Yu Kao, Shou-Ching Hsiao, and Raylin Tso, “Analyzing WannaCry Ransomware Considering the Weapons and Exploits,” ICACT Transactions on Advanced Communications Technology, Vol. 7, No. 2, Mar. 2018, pp.1098 - 1107. (ISSN: 2288-0003)(EI)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)
    19. Da-Yu Kao, En-Cih Chang, and Fu-Ching Tsai, "Extracting Suspicious IP Addresses from WhatsApp Network Traffic in Cybercrime Investigations," ICACT Transactions on Advanced Communications Technology, Vol. 7, No. 2, Mar. 2018, pp.1108 - 1115. (ISSN: 2288-0003)(EI)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)
    20. Da-Yu Kao, Yuan-Pei Chen, and Neng-Hsin Shih, ”Reconstructing ADS Data Hiding in Windows NTFS: A Temporal Analysis,” Digital Investigation: The International Journal of Digital Forensics & Incident Response, Vol. 26S, p. 137, Jul. 2018. (SCIE, IF: 1.736)(ISSN: 1742-2876)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)
    21. Da-Yu Kao, “ Applying IPU Model to Digital Evidence Review in Trojan Defense,” Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 47-60, Nov. 2018. (EI)(ISSN: 0255-6030)(MOST 105-2221-E-015-001- and 106-2221-E-015-002-)
    22. Shuyuan Mary Ho, Da-Yu Kao, and Wen-Ying Wu, “Following the breadcrumbs: Timestamp pattern identification for cloud forensics,” Digital Investigation: The International Journal of Digital Forensics & Incident Response, Vol. 24, pp. 79-94, Mar. 2018. (SCIE, IF: 1.736)(ISSN: 1742-2876)(MOST 103-2221-E-015-003- and 106-2221-E-015-002-)
    23. 高大宇,”跨境APT資安事件的證據調查與數位鑑識分析之研究”,中央警察大學警學叢刊,第四十八卷第五期,頁1~22,2018年4月。(ISSN: 1019-2468)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)。
    24. Da-Yu Kao,“Temporal Cloud Event Reconstruction from Digital Forensics Process, ” Journal of Computer Hardware Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, Apr. 2018, pp.1-8. (MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-) 
    25. Da-Yu Kao and Benjamaporn Kluaypa, "Victimization of Cyberbullying Target: VIVA Observation from Lifestyle Exposure," Journal of Information, Technology and Society, Vol. 16, Central Police University, pp. 29-48, Dec. 2016. (ISSN: 1682-8054)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)
    26. 高大宇,林宏志,”解析反數位鑑識的附加資料流”,中央警察大學執法新知論衡,第十三卷第一期,2017年6月,頁39-68。(ISBN: 9030291907)(MOST 105-2221-E-015-001-)
    27. 左瑞麟,許晉銘,高大宇,”Procedure-oriented Laboratory of Digital Forensics in a Case Study,” Journal of Information, Technology and Society, Vol. 16, Central Police University, pp. 29-48, Dec. 2016. (ISSN: 1682-8054)(MOST 105-2221-E-015-001-)
    28. 高大宇,”可否變動數位證據:現場存取原始證物的省思”,刑事政策與犯罪研究論文集,司法官學院,2016年12月,頁251-278。(ISBN: 978-986-05-0600-6)。(MOST 105-2221-E-015-001-)
    29. Da-Yu Kao, "A Fight for Copyright Infringement Uncovering Covert Identifiable Data behind Computer Software,“ Intellectual Property Rights, Vol. 4, No. 167, pp 1-7, Sep. 30, 2016. (ISSN: 2375-4516)
    30. Da-Yu Kao, ”Performing Information Governance: Golden Triangle Components For APTs Countermeasures,” International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 6539-6546, Jan. 2016. (ISSN: 2230-9926).
    31. Da-Yu Kao, "Cybercrime Investigation Countermeasure Using Created-Accessed-Modified Model in Cloud Computing Environments, ” The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp 141~160, Jan. 2016. (Published online: 8 Sep. 2015)(ISSN:0920-8542)(MOST:103-2221-E-015-003-)(SCI)(獲財團法人警察學術研究基金會,推薦為2016年警察學術優良著作之優良論文)
    32. Da-Yu Kao, “Exploring Privacy Requirements and Their Online Managements,” Journal of Computers - Computer Society of The Republic Of China, Vol. 26. No. 2., pp.34-45, Jul. 2015. (ISSN: 1991-1599). (EI)
    33. 高大宇,”數位鑑識工具的分類與運用-核心程序與動態能力研究”,明辨Fact,第7期,48-57頁, ISSN: 2220-2501,2015年。
    34. Da-Yu Kao, "SWOT Matrix Enhancement for Online Protection of Personal Information," Journal of Information, Technology and Society, 14, Central Police University, 2014. MOST 103-2221-E-015-003. (ISSN: 1682-8054)
    35. 高大宇、王旭正,”針對駭客組織APT攻擊的主動偵查策略”,中央警察大學警學叢刊,第四十五卷第三期,1-20頁,ISSN:1019-2468,2014年12月。
    36. Da-Yu Kao, “A Practical Procedure to Improve Cybercrime Investigation,”eForensics Magazine, Vol. 2 Issue 3, pp.50-53, ISBN: 2300-6986,Jun. 2013.
    37. 高大宇、曾俊傑、王旭正,”基植管理循環為基礎之社交工程事件鑑識分析研究”,前瞻科技與管理期刊,2011年5月,85-98頁。
    38. Da-Yu Kao, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, and Frank Fu-Yuan Huang “SoTE: Strategy of Triple-E on Solving Trojan Defense of Cyber-crime Case,” Computer Law & Security Review - The International Journal of Technology Law and Practice, Vol. 26 Issue 1, ISSN: 0267-3649,pp.52-60, 2010. (SCI)
    39. Da-Yu Kao and Shiuh-Jeng Wang, "The IP Address and Time in Cyber-crime Investigation," Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Vol 32. Issue 2, 2009. (SSCI)
    40. Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Da-Yu Kao, and Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, “Procedure Guidance on Internet Forensics Coping with Copyright Arguments of Client-Server-based P2P Models,” International Journal Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 31, pp. 795-800, 2009. (SCI)
    41. Da-Yu Kao, Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, and Shiuh-Jeng Wang, “'Persistence and Desistance: Examining the Impact of Reintegrative Shaming to Ethics in Taiwan Juvenile Hackers,” The Computer Law & Security Review - The International Journal of Technology Law and Practice, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 464-476, Sep. 2009. (SCI)
    42. Shiuh-Jeng Wang and Da-Yu Kao, "Internet Forensics on the Basis of Evidence Gathering with Peep Attacks," International Journal Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 29, pp. 423-429, 2007. (SCI)
    43. 高大宇與王旭正,”惡意程式入侵的安全鑑別與防制-以Trojan Hose為例”,中央警察大學資管學報,2001年12月。
    44. 王旭正與高大宇,”數位證據之線索追蹤”, 中華民國資訊安全學會,資訊安全通訊第八卷第一期,2001年12月。
    45. 高大宇與王旭正,”資訊時代之享法、觸法、執法與鑑識的關連性問題與可行性研究”, 中華民國資訊安全學會,資訊安全通訊第七卷第三期,2001年6月。
    46. 楊凱勝,高大宇與王旭正,”資訊犯罪追蹤模式建立─以非法光碟販售為追蹤源分析”,刑事科學第五十一期,2001年3月,頁91-102。
    47. 王旭正與高大宇,”電話飛客防護資訊系統規劃與管理之研究”,警學叢刊第三十一卷第五期,2001年3月,頁161-169。(ISSN: 1019-2468)
    48. 王旭正與高大宇,”網路惡意程式行為之問題研究”, 中華民國資訊安全學會,資訊安全通訊第七卷第二期,2000年12月。
    49. 吳國清、廖有祿與高大宇,”電腦犯罪與執法認知之探討”, 警學叢刊第三十一卷第三期,2000年11月,頁127-187。(ISSN: 1019-2468)
    50. 高大宇與王旭正,”網路病毒傳播與偵防機制策略研究”,中華民國資訊學會通訊,第二卷第三期,1999年9月,頁57-63。
    51. 高大宇與王旭正,”駭客入侵網路之偵查模式分析”,刑事科學第四十八期,1999年9月,頁57-70。
    52. 高大宇與王旭正,”規範駭客行為於網路安全之隱憂與未來發展”, 中華民國資訊安全學會,資訊安全通訊第五卷第三期,1999年6月,頁97-106。


    1. Chi-cheng YANG, En-tien MA, Da-Yu KAO, “Sexual Offenses against Children: Social Learning Theory and Dark Web Reinforcement,” IEEE ICACT 2021 (23nd International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 13-16, 2021.
    2. Te-Min Liu, En-Chun Kuo, and Da-Yu Kao, “Infection Detection of Emotet Malware Using Capture-Display-Analyze Model in Wireshark Packet Extraction,” 2020 Digital Forensics Research Conference (DFRWS) Europe, Oxford United Kingdom, Jun. 3-5, 2020. (Poster Paper)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-109). Available online: https://dfrws.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/6_Poster_Infection_Detection_of_Emotet_Malware-camera_ready.pdf.
    3. Shuyuan Mary Ho, Da-Yu Kao, Chung-Jui Lai, Wenyi Li, and Ming-Jung Chiu-Huang, "On the left side, there's nothing right. On the right side, there's nothing left: Polarization of the Political Opinions," 2020 iConference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 12051, pp. 209-219, 2020. (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-43687-2_16)(EI)
    4. Da-Yu Kao, Fang-Yu Lu, and Fuching Tsai, "Tool Mark Identification of Skype Traffic," IEEE ICACT 2020 (22nd International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 17-20, 2020. (Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-109)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT48636.2020.9061405)(EI)
    5. Da-Yu Kao, Ting-Chi Wang, Fu-Ching Tsai, "Forensic Artifacts of Network Traffic on WeChat Calls," IEEE ICACT 2020 (22nd International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 17-20, 2020. (Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-109)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT48636.2020.9061437)(EI)
    6. Da-Yu Kao, Yun-Ya Chen, and Fuching Tsai, "Hacking Tool Identification in Penetration Testing," IEEE ICACT 2020 (22nd International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 17-20, 2020. (Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-109)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT48636.2020.9061401)(EI)
    7. Fu-Ching Tsai, Ming-Chun Hsu, and Da-Yu Kao, "Exponential Random Graph Modeling of Co-Offender Drug Crimes," IEEE ICACT 2020 (22nd International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 17-20, 2020. (EI)(MOST 108-2410-H-015-001-)(Outstanding Paper Award)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT48636.2020.9061552)
    8. Shuyuan Mary Ho, Da-Yu Kao, Ming-Jung Chiu-Huang, Wenyi Li, Chung-Jui Lai, and Bismark Ankamah, “Charged Language on Twitter: A Predictive Model of Cyberbullying to Prevent Victimization,” 2019 Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP) in International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Conference, Dec. 15-18, 2019, Munich, Germany. (EI)
    9. Da-Yu Kao," ATM Heist Threats: a Proposed ICT Governance Strategy," IEEE ICACT 2019 (21th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, pp. 610 - 615, Feb. 17-20, 2019. (ISBN: 979-11-88428-03-8)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT.2019.8701907)(EI)
    10. Da-Yu Kao, Ni-Chen Wu, and Fuching Tsai, " The Governance of Digital Forensic Investigation in Law Enforcement Agencies," IEEE ICACT 2019 (21th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, pp. 61- 65, Feb. 17-20, 2019. (ISBN: 979-11-88428-03-8)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT.2019.8701995)(EI)
    11. Da-Yu Kao, " Cybercrime Countermeasure of Insider Threat Investigation," IEEE ICACT 2019 (21th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, pp. 413 - 418, Feb. 17-20, 2019. (ISBN: 979-11-88428-03-8)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT.2019.8702029)(EI)
    12. Da-Yu Kao, Yuan-Pei Chen, and En-Cih Chang, "Event Observation of Date-time Stamps for ADS Reconstruction," IEEE ICACT 2019 (21th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, pp. 552 - 557, Feb. 17-20, 2019. (ISBN: 979-11-88428-03-8)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT.2019.8701988)(EI)
    13. Shou-Ching Hsiao, Da-Yu Kao, and Raylin Tso, "Malware-Detection Model Using Learning-Based Discovery of Static Features," The 2018 IEEE Conference on Applications, Information and Network Security (AINS), Langkawi, Malaysia, pp. 45-53, Nov. 21-22, 2018. (ISBN: 978-1-5386-6925-9)(https://doi.org/ 10.1109/AINS.2018.8631505)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)(EI)
    14. Da-Yu Kao, Wen-Ying Wu, Ching-Wei Su, and Ting-Chi Wang, "Strategy for Detecting IP Address of LINE VOIP Network Packets by Using the Decision-Tree Approach," The 2018 IEEE Conference on Applications, Information and Network Security (AINS), Langkawi, Malaysia, pp. 105-110, Nov. 21-22, 2018. (ISBN: 978-1-5386-6925-9)(https://doi.org/ 10.1109/AINS.2018.8631505)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)(EI)
    15. Da-Yu Kao, Yi-Ting Chao, Fuching Tsai, and Chia-Yang Huang, "Digital Evidence Analytics Applied in Cybercrime Investigations," The 2018 IEEE Conference on Applications, Information and Network Security, (AINS), Langkawi, Malaysia, pp. 111-116, Nov. 21-22, 2018. (ISBN: 978-1-5386-6925-9)(https://doi.org/ 10.1109/AINS.2018.8631505)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)(EI)
    16. Da-Yu Kao, Chung-Jui Lai, and Ching-Wei Su,  'A Framework for SQL Injection Investigations: Detection, Investigation, and Forensics,” The 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan, pp. 2834-2839,Oct. 7-10, 2018. (ISBN:978-1-5386-6649-4)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)(EI)
    17. En-Chun Kuo, Ming-Sang Chang, and Da-Yu Kao, “User-Side Evil Twin Attack Detection Using Time-Delay Analysis of TCP Connection Termination," IEEE ICACT 2018 (20th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 11-14, pp. 211-216, 2018. (ISBN 979-11-88428-00-7)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT.2018.8323699)(EI)
    18. Da-Yu Kao, Yu-Siang Wang, Fu-Ching Tsai, and Chien-Hung Chen, “Forensic Analysis of Network Packets from Penetration Test Toolkits," IEEE ICACT 2018 (20th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 11-14, pp. 363-368, 2018. (ISBN 979-11-88428-00-7)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT.2018.8323757)(EI)
    19. Fu-Ching Tsai, En-Cih Chang, and Da-Yu Kao, “WhatsApp Network Forensics: Discovering the Communication Payloads behind Cybercriminals," IEEE ICACT 2018 (20th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 11-14, pp. 679-684, 2018. (ISBN 979-11-88428-00-7)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT.2018.8323882)(EI)
    20. Shou-Ching Hsiao and Da-Yu Kao, “The Static Analysis of WannaCry Ransomware," IEEE ICACT 2018 (20th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 11-14, pp. 153-158, 2018. (ISBN 979-11-88428-00-7)(Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)(Outstanding Paper Award)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT.2018.8323680)(EI)
    21. Da-Yu Kao and Shou-Ching Hsiao, “The Dynamic Analysis of WannaCry Ransomware," IEEE ICACT 2018 (20th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 11-14, pp. 159-166, 2018. (ISBN 979-11-88428-00-7)  (Digital Infrastructure-Information Security Project-107)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT.2018.8323681)(EI)
    22. Da-Yu Kao and Yuan-Pei Chan, “Identifying Temporal Patterns Using ADS in NTFS for Digital Forensics,” IEEE SICBS 2017 proceedings (International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services), Advances in Intelligence Systems and Computing 733, Springer International Publishing, pp. 273-285, 2018. (ISSN:2194-5357)(ISBN: 978-3-319-76450-4)(ISBN:978-3-319-76451-1)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76451-1_26)(EI)
    23. Da-Yu Kao, En-Cih Chang, and Fu-Ching Tsai, "A Network-Based Sniffer Architecture for Cybercrime Investigation," 1st International Caparica Conference in Translational Forensics, Caparica, Portugal, Nov. 20~23, p.137, 2017. (ISBN: 978-989-54009-0-4)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)(En-Cih Chang win the Excellent shotgun communication Award)
    24. Da-Yu Kao, "Toward Actionable Intelligence in Cybersecurity Forensic Investigation," 1st International Caparica Conference in Translational Forensics, Caparica, Portugal, Nov. 20~23, pp. 65-66, 2017. (ISBN: 978-989-54009-0-4)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)
    25. Da-Yu Kao, Yu-Siang Wang, and En-Cih Chang, "Applying Penetration Test to Improve Cybersecurity Forensic Investigation," 1st International Caparica Conference in Translational Forensics, Caparica, Portugal, Nov. 20~23,p. 142, 2017. (ISBN: 978-989-54009-0-4)(MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)
    26. Da-Yu Kao, Benjamaporn Kluaypa, and Hung-Chih Lin, “The Cyberbullying Assessment of Capable Guardianship in Routine Activity Theory,” Intelligence and Security Informatics: 12th Pacific Asia Workshop PAISI 2017 Proceedings, LNCS 10241, Springer International Publishing, pp. 3-14, Jeju, South Korea, May 23-26, 2017. (ISSN: 0302-9743)(EI)
    27. Shou-Ching Hsiao and Da-Yu Kao, “Differentiating the Investigation Response Process of Cyber Security Incident for LEAs,” Intelligence and Security Informatics: 12th Pacific Asia Workshop PAISI 2017 Proceedings, LNCS 10241, Springer International Publishing, pp. 34-48, Jeju, South Korea, May 23-26, 2017. (ISSN: 0302-9743)(EI)(MOST 105-2221-E-015-001-)
    28. Hsiao-Ming Wang and Da-Yu Kao, “Information and Communications Technology: A Framework to Prevent ATMs Hacking,” ACJS 54th Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO, Mar. 21-25, 2017.
    29. Benjamaporn Kluaypa and Da-Yu Kao, “Protecting Individuals from the Suitable Target of Cyberbullying," IEEE ICACT 2017 (19th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 19-22, 2017. (EI)(ISBN:978-89-968650-8-7)(MOST 105-2221-E-015-001-)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT.2017.7890135)
    30. Da-Yu Kao, "Exploring the Cybercrime Investigation Framework of ATM Heist from ISO/IEC 27043:2015," IEEE ICACT 2017 (19th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 19-22, 2017. (EI)(ISBN:978-89-968650-8-7)(MOST 105-2221-E-015-001-)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT.2017.7890079)
    31. Da-Yu Kao and Wen-Ying Wu, "Practical Packet Analysis: Exploring the Cybercriminal behind the LINE Voice Calls," IEEE ICACT 2017 (19th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology), Pyeong Chaung, South Korea, Feb. 19-22, 2017. (EI)(ISBN:978-89-968650-8-7)(MOST 105-2221-E-015-001-)(https://doi.org/10.23919/ICACT.2017.7890096)
    32. Da-Yu Kao and Guan-Jie Wu, ”A Digital Triage Forensics Framework of Window Malware Forensic Toolkit: Based on ISO/IEC 27037: 2012,” The 49th Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 21-24 Sep., pp. 217-222, 2015. (ISSN: 2153-0742)(MOST 103-2221-E-015-003-)
    33. Da-Yu Kao, “Evidence Quality Review of Trojan Defense - A Case Study of Train Ticket Scalping in Taiwan,” Proceeding of the 2015 International Workshop on Computer Auditing Education, pp. 83-96, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 9, 2015.
    34. Da-Yu Kao, “Performing an APT Investigation: Using People-Process-Technology-Strategy Model in Digital Triage Forensics,” The 39th Annual IEEE International Computers, Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2015), ISBN 978-1-4673-6563-5, ISSN 0730-3157, IEEE Computer Society Publications, pp. 47-52, Taichung, Taiwan, Jul. 1-5, 2015. (EI)
    35. Da-Yu Kao and Ying-Hsuan Chiu, “Extracting Date-time Stamp to Support or Refute an Alibi in Cloud Storage Forensics,” The 8th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Information Security (DFIS 2014), Guam, USA, Dec. 17 - 19, 2014.
    36. Da-Yu Kao, Min-Jung Chung, and Shiuh-Jeng Wang, “Frameworks in Evidence Collection in Forensics by Analyzing Temporal Cloud Storage Forensics,”Proceedings of the International Computer Symposium 2014, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Series, Vol. 274: Intelligent Systems and Applications, pp. 904-913. Taichung, Taiwan, Dec. 12-14, 2014. (ISBN: 978-1-61499-484-8)(MOST 103-2221-E-015-002- and MOST 103-2221-E-015-003-)(EI)
    37. Da-Yu Kao and Cheng-Yu Peng “A Novel Executable Framework for Protecting Personal Information at Risk: Taiwan Experiences, ”The Fifth Asian Conference on Business & Public Policy, ISSN: 2186-5914,Osaka, Japan, Nov. 20-23, 2014.
    38. Da-Yu Kao, Guan-Jie Wu, and Ying-Hsuan Chiu, “A Novel Process Framework for Digital Forensics Tools: Based on ISO/IEC 27037:2012,” The Fifth Asian Conference on Business & Public Policy, ISSN: 2186-5914, Osaka, Japan, Nov. 20-23, 2014.
    39. Da-Yu Kao and Ying-Hsuan Chiu, “An Iterative Management Model of Exploring Windows Date-time Stamps in Cloud Storage Forensics,” present in Digital-Forensics and Watermarking: 13th International Workshop, IWDW 2014, LNCS 9023, pp. 498-512, published in Spring-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743 ISSN 1611-3349 ISBN 978-3-319-19320-5 ISBN 978-3-319-19321-2., Taipei, Taiwan Oct. 1-4, 2014. (EI)
    40. Da-Yu Kao, “Rational Choice Observation of Malware Authors in Taiwan,” present in Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics PAISI 2014 (in conjunction with PAKDD 2014), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume 8840, pp. 1~7, ISBN 978-3-319-06676-9, Tainan, Taiwan, May 13, 2014. (EI)(Supported by Henry C. Lee Forensic Science Foundation)
    41. Da-Yu Kao, Cheng-Yu Peng, Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, and Shiuh-Jeng Wang, "Privacy Breach Investigations of Incident Response to Personal Information Protection Act," present in The 8th FTRA International Conference on Future Information Technology, Future Information Technology, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume 276, pp. 351-360, ISSN 1876-1100, ISBN 978-3-642-40860-1, Gwangju, Korea, Sep.4-6, 2013. (EI)
    42. Da-Yu Kao, Cheng-Yu Peng, and Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, ”The SWOT Analysis on E-commerce Privacy Enhancement,” Global Conference On SME, Entrepreneurship & Service Innovation (GCMES 2012), ISBN: 978-0-646-57352-6, Griffith University, Australia, Jul.12-14, 2012.
    43. Da-Yu Kao, Cheng-Yu Peng, and Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, ”An Evaluation of Network-based/Host-based Evidence in E-commerce Data Breaches, ,” Global Conference On SME, Entrepreneurship & Service Innovation (GCMES 2012), ISBN: 978-0-646-57352-6, Griffith University,Australia, Jul. 12-14, 2012.
    44. Da-Yu Kao, Dushyant Goy, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, and Jonathan Liu, “A Trustworthy Computing of ADAPT Principle Guaranteeing Genuine Medical Image,” The 17th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE ICPADS 2011), Tainan, Taiwan, Dec.07-09, 2011. (EI)
    45. Da-Yu Kao, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, and Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, “Interactive Process of MDFA Strategy in Countering Cyber Hacking Activity,” International Security Technology and Management Conference (2010 ISTAM), Taipei, Taiwan, Sep.8-10, 2010.
    46. Da-Yu Kao, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, and Aneesh Sharma, “A Case-Oriented Model of Digital Forensics on Infected Zombie Computer,” IEEE-PROCEEDINGS, 2009 The Second International Workshop on Multimedia, Information Privacy and Intelligent Computing Systems (IEEE MPIS-2009), CSA - International Symposium on Computer Science and its Applications, Jeju, Korea, Dec. 2009. (EI)
    47. Da-Yu Kao, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Kush Mathur, Saransh Jain, and Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, “Privacy Concealments: Detective Strategies Unveiling Cyberstalking on Internet,” IEEE-PROCEEDINGS, 2008 The First International Workshop on Multimedia, Information Privacy and Intelligent Computing Systems (IEEE MPIS-2008), Taiwan, Dec. 2008. (EI)
    48. Da-Yu Kao, Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, and You-Lu Liao, “The Retest of Reintegrative Shaming Theory and Its Implications on Taiwanese Juvenile Hackers,”Reinvigorating Theory Through Diversity and Inclusiveness,2008 ASC Annual Conference, p 410. OH: The American Society of Criminology. St. Louis, MO,USA, Nov. 2008.
    49. Da-Yu Kao, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, Sajal Bhatia, and Saurabh Gupta, “Dataset Analysis of Proxy Logs Detecting to Curb Propagations in Network Attacks,” presented in LNCS PROCEEDINGS, Pacific Asia Workshop on Cybercrime and Computer Forensics (PACCF 2008) in conjunction with ISI 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), published in Spring-Verlag, Taipei, Taiwan, Jun. 2008. (EI)
    50. Da-Yu Kao, Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, and Shiuh-Jeng Wang, “Maturity and Shame: Bringing Computer Ethics to Taiwan’s Juvenile Delinquents,”Australian and New Zealand Society criminology, the 20th Annual ANZSOC Conference, Adelaide,  Australia, Sept. 2007.
    51. Da-Yu Kao, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, and Yao-Han Chang, “Inferring Social Network from Forensic Asessment Model of P2P Copyright Infrigement,” The 3th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Knowledge management (KMAP2006), Hong Kong, Dec. 2006.
    52. Da-Yu Kao, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, and Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, “An Information Based Management on the Analysis of Internet Perpetrators,” The 3th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Knowledge management (KMAP2006), Hong Kong, Dec. 2006.
    53. Da-Yu Kao, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, and Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, "Digitized Forensic Investigation at P2P Copyright Controversy, Infringement," present in IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI-2006), Lecture Notes in Computer Science  (LNCS), San Diego, USA, May, 2006. (EI)
    54. Da-Yu Kao and Shiuh-Jeng Wang, "Evidences and Forensics at IP Address Clue in Cyber Crime," present in 17th Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences, Hong-Kong, Aug. 2005.


    1. Da-Yu KAO, Heng-YiLIN, Chi-Cheng YANG, Ting-Chi Wang, "A Proposed Cybersecurity GovernanceModel for Forensic Evidence Procedures," 2023年數位鑑識與科技偵查研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,2023年10月。(Jun 5, 2023 Accepted)
    2. Chi-Cheng YANG, Sin-Yu LAI, Chung-JuiLAI, Da-Yu KAO, "Implementing Cybersecurity Posture within FintechESG Framework,"2023年數位鑑識與科技偵查研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,2023年10月。(Jun 5, 2023 Accepted)
    3. Chi-Cheng YANG, Yi-Ju CHEN, and Da-Yu KAO, "Applying Routine Activity Theory to Columbaria Investment Scam," 2022年第二十五屆資訊管理學術暨警政資訊實務研討會,中央警察大學,2022年6月,頁35-41。(ISBN: 978-626-95418-2-9)
    4. 蔡馥璟、高大宇,“社會網絡對毒品犯罪結構之探討”,第13屆海峽兩岸暨香港澳門警學研討會,南京,2018年12月,頁181-196。(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)
    5. 高大宇、蔡馥璟,“應用深度封包檢測的巨量資料分析對網路犯罪執法之研究”,第13屆海峽兩岸暨香港澳門警學研討會,南京,2018年12月,頁443-456。(MOST 107-2221-E-015-002-)
    6. Da-Yu Kao and Yuan-Pei Chen, “Temporal Reconstruction for Cybercrime Investigation: An Experiential Observation from ADS Anti-Forensics,”,2018年第21屆資訊管理學術暨警政資訊實務研討會,中央警察大學,2018年5月29日。 (MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)
    7. 蔡馥璟、許銘峻、張國哲、高大宇,“應用社會網絡分析在毒品犯罪資料分類之研究”,2018年第21屆資訊管理學術暨警政資訊實務研討會,中央警察大學,2018年5月29日。 (MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)
    8. 高大宇、黃心廉、林旻慧, “第一銀行ATM盜領案的現場重建與資安防護策略”,2018年第21屆資訊管理學術暨警政資訊實務研討會,中央警察大學,2018年5月29日。 (MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)
    9. 楊家沛、張躍瀚、高大宇、黃楷倫、王旭正,”Android 通訊軟體的跡證萃取:FB messenger 傳輸通訊安全性”,2017 全國計算機會議,國立東華大學,2017年12月14-15日,頁957-961,(ISBN 978-986-05-4416-9)。
    10. 楊凱勝、王瑞泰、許晉銘、高大宇、王旭正,”基於偽裝學之APT 攻擊偵測與分析之研究”,2017 全國計算機會議,國立東華大學,2017年12月14-15日,頁913-918 (ISBN 978-986-05-4416-9)。
    11. 蔡馥璟、高大宇,"應用警務大數據辨識移動式車牌之研究",第十二屆海峽兩岸暨香港、澳門警學研討會論文集,澳門,2017年12月3-6日,頁582-595。
    12. 高大宇、蔡馥璟,"利用巨量資料對抗網路犯罪之研究:以物聯網殭屍DDoS攻擊為例",第十二屆海峽兩岸暨香港、澳門警學研討會論文集,澳門,2017年12月3-6日,頁877-888。 (MOST 106-2221-E-015-002-)
    13. Da-Yu Kao, “Rational Choice Observation on Malware Authors”,2017年第20屆資訊管理學術暨警政資訊實務研討會,中央警察大學,2017年5月23日。(ISBN: 978-986-5717-46-9)(MOST 105-2221-E-015-001-)
    14. Da-Yu Kao, Wen-Ying Wu, “Practical Packet Analysis: Exploring the Cybercriminal behind the LINE Voice Calls,”資管系畢業專題成果展,長庚大學,2016年12月16日。
    15. 黃心廉、林旻慧、高大宇,”網路攻擊之偵防策略:以ATM盜領案為例”,資管系畢業專題成果展,長庚大學,2016年12月16日。
    16. 左瑞麟、許晉銘、高大宇、王旭正,”A Procedure Study and Construction in Digital Forensics Environments and Developments”,TANET 2016臺灣網際網路研討會大會,6568,東華大學,2016年10月19至21日。
    17. 高大宇,”跨境資安事件的警察執法能力與警務合作”,第十一屆海峽兩岸暨香港、澳門警學研討會,香港,2016年11月07至11日,頁431-448。(MOST 105-2221-E-015-001-)
    18. 林宏志、高大宇,”NTFS檔案系統時間戳記之反反數位鑑識分析—以附加資料流為例”,2016年第十九屆資訊管理學術暨警政資訊實務研討會,中央警察大學,2016年5月17日,頁29-44。(ISBN: 978-986-5717-35-3)
    19. 高大宇網路犯罪的偵查與分析”,2016年第十九屆資訊管理學術暨警政資訊實務研討會,中央警察大學,2016年5月17日,頁99-104。(ISBN: 978-986-5717-35-3)
    20. 王旭正、高大宇與蔡蕣䔔,”Remote Log-in Security Testing in the Case of iOS-Jailbreaking”,2015 第二十一屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會及第十三屆管理學術研討會,勤益科技大學,2015年11月27日。
    21. 林宏志 、高大宇,”資料隱藏於附加資料流的數位鑑識分析研究”,2015年刑事警察學術研究與交流研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,2015年11月17日。
    22. 蔡蕣䔔、高大宇與王旭正,”Jailbreak-iPhone數位證據留存鑑識之研究”,TANET2015台灣網際網路研討會,2015年10月21-23日。
    23. 高大宇,“跨境APT資安事件的證據調查與警務合作之研究”, 第十屆海峽兩岸暨香港、澳門警學研討會,東方文華飯店,台北,2015年10月12-14日。
    24. 葉書廷、高大宇、王旭正,”雲端儲存服務之數位證據追蹤與分析研究”,ICIM 2015 第二十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,大同大學,台北市,2015年5月23日。
    25. 葉書廷、高大宇、王旭正,“WhatsApp即時通訊軟體之行動手機鑑識研究”, 2014年數位鑑識與科技偵查研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,2014年11月13日。(ISBN:978-986-5717-11-7)
    26. Da-Yu Kao,“Personal Information Governance on Privacy Protection in Taiwan,”2013 National Computer Symposium (NCS 2013), Taiwan, Dec. 2013.
    27. 高大宇,王旭正,”以犯罪棲息地、滾雪球調查及人際網絡分析遏制駭客犯罪入侵之策略研究”,2013年刑事警察學術研究與交流研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,2013年年11月19日。
    28. 劉醇錕、高大宇、林華堂、丁慶華、林淑鈴、陳世鋒,”如何進行有效的政策行銷—以推動電子發票為例”,101年度行政院暨所屬中央機關科長研習班第74期行政個案實例與研討分組專題報告,公務人力發展中心,台北,2012年5月18日。
    29. 高大宇,尹藹賢,王旭正,”數位鑑識之無線網路安全抗辯研究”, 2011海峽兩岸資訊科學與資訊技術學術交流會議暨亞太大學資訊教育數位學習發展研討會(iCube 2011),淡江大學,台北,2011年12月8-9日。
    30. 林靜惠、高大宇、甘文田、王貴美、蘇英足、楊維修,”運用民間志工強化政府服務-以長期照護為例”,100年度薦任公務人員晉升簡任官等訓練及警正警察人員晉升警監官等訓練專題研討報告,2011年7月25日。
    31. 陳育廷,高大宇,王旭正,”真假網站的視覺安全與鑑識分析”,CISC2011第二十一屆資訊安全會議,虎尾科技大學,雲林,2011年5月26-27日。(榮獲論文佳作)
    32. 高大宇、王旭正、曾俊傑,”PDCA管理循環-以社交工程資安演練的紀錄分析為例”,2010年犯罪偵查學術與實務研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,2010年10月。
    33. 陳育廷、王旭正、高大宇,”釣魚網站的資訊隱藏與鑑識分析”,2010年犯罪偵查學術與實務研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,2010年10月。
    34. 高大宇、吳憲政與王旭正,電腦鑑識之手持行動通訊鑑識程序研究”,98年全國計算機會議,2009年12月。
    35. 高大宇、劉心玫與王旭正,” PC及PDA操作平台之即時通訊之證據關聯分析研究”,98年全國計算機會議,2009年12月。
    36. Da-Yu Kao, Shiuh-Jeng Wang, and Frank Fu-Yuan Huang, “Cyber-crime in Computer-based Systems Increases the Need for Digital Forensic Analysis,” the Conference of Crime Investigation and Forensic Sciences, Taiwan, Nov. 2006.
    37. Hsang-Chen Lee and Da-Yu Kao, “A Forensic Analysis of Reverse Peep Attack,” 2005 Internet Cyber Security Engineering Conference, Mar. 2005.
    38. Shiuh-Jeng Wang and Da-Yu Kao, “Strategies to Combat the Invasion of Cyberspace from Within,” 2004 Conference of Criminal Investigation and Forensics Science, Taiwan Academy of Forensic Sciences, Nov. 2004.
    39. Shiuh-Jeng Wang and Da-Yu Kao, “Cybercrime Myths in the Justice System,” The 15th Information Security Conference 2005 (ISC2005), Kaoshiung, 9-10 Jun. 2004.
    40. 李相臣與高大宇,”科技防偽訴訟鑑定實例分析”,2004網際網路安全工程研討會,2004年03月,頁185-191。
    41. 李相臣、高大宇與蔡旻峰,”高科技產業的專家訴訟研究” ,2003年犯罪偵查與鑑識科學研討會,2003年12月,頁45-48。
    42. 李相臣與高大宇,”網路入侵爭議探討”,2003年犯罪偵查與鑑識科學研討會,2003年12月,頁39-44。
    43. 高大宇與王旭正,”視窗木馬程式的安全鑑別與防制策略研究”, 中華民國資訊安全學會,第十一屆全國資訊安全會議,2001年5月,頁309-316。
    44. 高大宇,”網路社會之攻擊防制與執法考量”,中央警察大學,2000年網際空間:資訊、法律與社會研討會,2000年3月,頁99-108。
    45. 高大宇與王旭正,”網際網路安全之電腦犯罪手法與偵防駭客入 侵策略研究”,中華民國資訊安全學會,第九屆全國資訊安全會議,1999年5月,頁287-294。
    46. 高大宇、吳國清與廖有祿,”從警察人員角度看電腦犯罪與駭客入侵”,中華民國資訊管理學會,第十屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,1999年6月,頁797-800。


    1. 高大宇,美國休士頓的警察培訓制度與技能訓練,警大雙月刊184期,中央警察大學,2016年4月,頁18-23。
    2. 高大宇,”離職惡客駭入老東家 蒞庭訴訟實例說分明”,資策會資訊與電腦雜誌Vol.286,2004年05月。
    3. 高大宇,” 科技訴訟侵權證物的鑑定要領”,資策會資訊與電腦雜誌Vol.284 ,2004年03月。
    4. 高大宇,”克制資訊詐欺撇步”,資策會資訊與電腦雜誌Vol.283 ,2004年02月。
    5. 高大宇,”探索資訊入侵事件”,資策會資訊與電腦雜誌Vol.282,2004年01月,頁132-135。
    6. 高大宇,”兵來將擋 以法規抗禦垃圾信件”,資策會網路通訊雜誌Vol.149,2003年12月,頁80-83。
    7. 高大宇,”駭客組織攻擊陣列成形 防禦術嚴陣以待”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.18,2003年10月。
    8. 高大宇,”真實與謊言的對抗戰爭-資訊專家證人鑑定”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.17,2003年9月,頁38-42。
    9. 高大宇,”揪出網路藏鏡人-網路誹謗事件現場直擊”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.16,2003年8月,頁34-38。
    10. 高大宇,”先發制人 攻克入侵系統的不速之客”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.15,2003年7月,頁12-16。
    11. 高大宇,”洞察軟體管理危機的潛在因子”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.14,2003年6月,頁43-48。
    12. 高大宇,”資訊犯罪報案須知 全都露”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.13,2003年5月,頁28-33。
    13. 高大宇,”正邪難斷?網路駭客正名-從教學系統入侵案例分析”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.11,2003年3月,頁26-31。
    14. 高大宇,”山雨欲來風滿樓-資訊犯罪之徵兆特性”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.10,2003年2月,頁26-31。
    15. 高大宇,”資訊犯罪基本教練-資訊犯罪類型及特徵”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.9,2003年1月,頁36-41。
    16. 高大宇,”環環相扣的稽核逆蹤鑑識分析—跨國網路入侵實錄”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.8,2002年12月,頁38-43。
    17. 高大宇,” 數位證據的查證與分析”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.7,2002年11月,頁28-33。
    18. 高大宇,” 「將計就計」寫真防治-分解金融網路犯罪”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.6,2002年10月,頁6-14。
    19. 高大宇,”抽絲剝繭的資訊鑑識分析-電腦程式著作權侵害案例實錄”,資策會資訊安全雜誌Vol.5,2002年9月,頁44-48。
    20. 高大宇與王旭正,”拒絕服務攻擊的資訊追查省思”,教育部,資訊教育雜誌,2000年8月,頁8-14。
    21. 楊凱勝與高大宇,“資訊犯罪之集團性販賣大補帖網站案的可行性偵查模式”,警光雜誌,第五二九期、2000年8月,頁86-88。
    22. 高大宇,“網路病毒傳播之防範與偵防”,警光雜誌,第五二八期、2000年7月,頁37-39。
    23. 高大宇,“淺談電腦病毒與網路病毒傳播”,警光雜誌,第五二四期,2000年3月,頁41-44。
    24. 高大宇,“網路駭客的攻擊識別與安全策略”,警光雜誌,第五二二期、2000年1月、頁38-40。
    25. 高大宇,“談駭客入侵之偵查措施”,警光雜誌第五一七期,1999年8月,頁40-42。
    26. 高大宇,“淺談電腦駭客之入侵步驟”,警光雜誌第五一三期,1999年4月,頁56-58。
    27. 高大宇,“杜絕駭客入侵”,警光雜誌第五O五期,1998年8月,頁31-34。


    1. 趙永茂、黃富源、高大宇等合著,“虛實世界的治安議題與難題-當前網路犯罪防治的理論與實際”,資訊時代下的世界新秩序、新典範與新治理,致知學術出版社,2020年8月。(ISBN:9869869254)
    2. 孟憲輝、高大宇等合著,”偵查網路犯罪:執法觀點”,蛻變:警大八十年警察科技論文選輯,中央警察大學,頁159-180,2016年9月1日。(ISBN: 978-986-57-1739-1)
    3. 朱金池、高大宇等合著,”網路社群媒體執法之資通科技與運用”,聚眾活動處理學,中央警察大學,2016年7月,頁181-208。
    4. Da-Yu Kao, “The Retest of the Reintegrative Shaming Theory and Its Implications on Taiwanese Juvenile Hackers,” Dissertation, Department of Crime Prevention and Corrections, Central Police University, Taiwan, January 2009.
    5. 王旭正、高大宇及資訊密碼及建構實驗室,資訊安全-網際網路安全與數位鑑識科學,博碩文化,ISBN: 957-527-964-8,2007年1月。
    6. 王旭正、張躍瀚、黃嘉宏及高大宇,“電腦鑑識環境建置的規劃/訓練與時代需求,” 95年度資通安全分析專論彙編之二,http://ics.stpi.org.tw/Treatise/, 國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心, 2006年11月。
    7. 王旭正、林建一、高大宇及柯巧心,“P2P架構下智慧財產之爭議與數位證據的判讀,” 95年度資通安全分析專論彙編之一,http://ics.stpi.org.tw/Treatise/, 國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心, 2006年7月。
    8. 王旭正、高大宇、吳忠哲及 江安展, “資訊時代資安事件-數位媒介證據的來源、依據、判斷、與說服力,” 資通安全分析專論, ISBN: 957-619-130-0,http://ics.stpi.org.tw/Treatise/, 國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心:資通安全分析專論,2005年12月。
    9. 高大宇、王旭正及資訊密碼及建構實驗室,資訊安全,博碩文化,ISBN: 957-527-605-1,2003年6月。
    10. 王旭正及高大宇等,”惡意程式行為事件分析”, 資通安全專題系列-第四輯:系統安全,ISBN: 957-619-077-0,國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心,2002年12月。
    11. 高大宇,網路駭客與惡意程式入侵之偵查研究(A Study on the Investigation for Internet Intruders and Malicious Programs Invading),中央警察大學第三十期碩士論文,2001年6月。